Software Services

In a marketplace so driven by competition, often times organizations seek to customize their products and services in search of gaining a superior edge over their competition. In customizing products and services however, the implementation and management of those tailored modifications often require the complement of customized software engineered specifically to maintain confluence in the daily processes that support those changes. ISL offers software development and database engineering services designed specifically to meet those needs. Included in these services are the following:

  • Management Systems as well as internet and web services engineering.
  • Specialty in information systems assessments, design, implementation, conversion and training.
  • Client support for computing environments such as personal computers, networks and POS Systems.
  • Software Development Focused on using:
    • OPEN SYSTEMS Software.
    • SQL-based relational databases.
    • CASE tools.
    • Programming in fourth generation languages, MS Visual Studio, Python.
    • Higher-level (more declarative) application generation scripting "languages" such as Java and XML scripting.
  • Integration, modification and customization of applications to seamlessly integrate with other third-party off the shelf applications such as QuickBooks.
  • Guidance and assistance in product modifications, integration and interface issues, technical product training, data conversion and systems planning.

Intelligent Solutions offers software development services to facilitate process automation, software integration and interfacing as well as developed products to address general corporate operational needs. At Intelligent Solutions, our vision in Systems Development is to identify and address current needs while considering future requirements to facilitate corporate operational needs at practical costs!

As businesses find the need to be more competitive in local and global markets, Intelligent Solutions offers its high quality software development services to allow you, our customers to meet that need. We develop in various platforms and implement innovative technologies such as web app development using RWD (Responsive Web Design) technology, mobile app development, GPS and SMS interfacing to name a few.

HR PayCheck

An electronic payroll system was developed to allow easy management of employee salaries, wages, taxes, Social Security and other deductions

historical data tracking

Report Generation


Multi Bank Support

The application makes processing payrolls fast and easy by the click of a button. Multiple reports including Payroll Report, Employee Pay Slips, Employee Transactions Report, Payroll Cash Breakdown Report, Yearly TD4 Income Tax Return, Monthly Statement of Social Security Contributions, Monthly PAYE Return as well as Annual Accumulator Reports, can be generated for quick view and/or documentation purposes. Click to Request Demo

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Our ISL-FACTS software application was written to allow an easy way to control and track any organization's asset base with regards to centralizing a complete listing and also to provide a very quick and reliable way to maintain proper depreciation processes as required by standard accounting principles.

Tracking and depreciation

Multi Users

Credit or debit transactions

Grouping by location branch

The application contemplates fixed user defined parameters that reflect company policies which govern capitalization, financial year and grouped or segregated asset classification requirements. Application is written in Visual Basic and employs a Windows based Graphical User Interface with a MS Access database engine. F.A.C.T.S. supports multi user capabilities with 2 communication architectures, a Stand Alone installation or a Client Server installation. Click to Request Demo

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Point Of Sale

Our POS software features integrated point of sale, wholesale/retail inventory control, customer & credit management. Much more than just simple POS Software, POS is an integrated business management system. An automated system designed for tracking products, customers' credit balances and cash flows of stores, supermarkets, boutiques, etc. The system is capable of handling both small and simple stand alone point of sale installations, as well as chain stores with vast client bases and servicing multiple terminal client installations in different stores on one central database.

Product Tracking

Inventory control

Mysql database Integration

Chain Stores Support

Customizable, scalable & tax compliant, it Integrates with Mysql database server which offers scalable and powerful processing power to small and large businesses alike. Click to Request Demo

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